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The year of the veneers in Colombia

Due to the rise of veneers in Colombia, everything suggests that 2024 will be the year of these increasingly sought-after solutions. Colombian dentist Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys indicated that in these first days of the year many patients have come looking for this innovative dental procedure.
It is a flow that has been growing in recent months, which according to the coastal dentist proves two things. First the acceptance of this advanced technology. Secondly, the high quality service offered by the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic and its exclusive brand Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®.

Where to get veneers in Colombia

The Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa-type clinic is the dental center with the greatest experience and technology for the placement of veneers in Colombia. The spaces equipped with the best technology are perfectly designed to provide a safe and effective procedure. In just a few minutes, the patient gets the perfect smile she has always dreamed of.
The use of dental veneers is an essential part of the Renaissance Hollywood® Smile design, a treatment that combines perfection, art, beauty and passion for quality. The placement of veneers is performed after a meticulous evaluation to determine their size and shape. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that the final smile design should not only look perfect.
It is also important that the patients’ new appearance be totally natural, that it blends in with the person’s own teeth. For this reason, each veneer is made carefully taking into account the shape of the teeth. This also guarantees perfect adhesion to the tooth surface, avoiding future problems due to the accumulation of bacteria or other external agents.
For all these reasons, the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic and Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys are the best option to get veneers in Colombia. Thanks to its resources in digital and robotic dentistry, the patient can be presented with an exact image of the results they will obtain and the procedure.

Advantages of dental veneers

The reasons for the rise of veneers in Colombia are several. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains 5 of the main ones.

  1. They are an immediate solution for people who have colored teeth due to continuous consumption of drinks such as coffee or wine, smoking cigarettes or eating foods with dyes.They correct minor aesthetic problems such as slightly crooked or gapped teeth. Although it is highly recommended to explore the possibility of orthodontics, when the problem is not serious, veneers are an excellent option.
  2. They serve to protect teeth with damaged enamel. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys reminds us that the natural coating of the teeth is strong, but not indestructible. This can be weakened by excessive brushing or consumption of very acidic foods or drinks.
  3. It is a long-lasting procedure. On average, veneers once placed have an average life of between 10 and 15 years, depending on the habits of the person using them.
  4. They represent a quick alternative for teeth that have fractures or small breaks and that the patient does not wish to replace.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys indicated that the excellent cost-benefit ratio of veneers in Colombia is another of its most important advantages. For this reason, the country and more specifically the city of Cartagena have become an international reference for these treatments.

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