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From the Netherlands by Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood

The exclusive Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood brand continues to conquer new frontiers and its fame continues to attract patients from all over the world. That is the case of Mohamed, a young entrepreneur who develops his economic activity in the growing cryptocurrency sector. He came to Cartagena from the Netherlands to obtain a smile design according to the demands of his work.
Although he resides in Europe, Mohamed is of Moroccan origin. His dental history showed serious damage due to several anomalies. The most notable, says Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, was the severe discoloration of the teeth.

Smile Renaissance Hollywood style design

Through social media and Internet searches, Mohamed learned that, in his case, the best alternative was to undergo a smile design. However, he couldn’t be just anyone, since to look the way he wanted he needed a radical change. That is why, upon investigating, he knew that, in Cartagena de Indias, that is, on the other side of the Atlantic, there was his definitive solution.
That solution is Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®, the exclusive brand of the spa-like clinic Sonrisa Perfecta Dental. Once Mohamed arrived at La Hóica, he put himself in the hands of a team led by Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys. This Colombian dentist carried out, in person, the evaluation to obtain the definitive diagnosis of the patient at her Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic.
Having an exact understanding of the complexity of the case, the procedures that were going to be carried out were defined. From a deep cleaning with the most modern methodologies to the placement of dental veneers. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys indicated that it was a quite arduous process that involved a lot of work and careful attention to details.
She added that precisely that is the essence of Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®. A smile design in which all resources are used until the patient’s dream is fulfilled. In the case of Mohamed, to wear a perfect, bright, dazzling and white smile for the rest of his life.

The quality mark in Perfect Dental Smile

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys has been working tirelessly over the last few years to perfect all the services associated with her exclusive brand. Currently, Renaissance Hollywood® Smile is an international benchmark for what the design of a perfect smile should be. Dental pieces, white, dazzling, shiny and in perfect symmetry.
As the best dentist in Colombia, she knows that her Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic cannot afford to perform shoddy work. For this reason, in the smile design she only uses supplies from the best brands worldwide. The equipment used is the result of the most advanced technology available on the international market. No less important is the talent, dedication and artistic sense that is used to create true masterpieces of dentistry.
For these reasons, Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood® has been associated with excellence, perfection, love, passion, responsibility and very high technology. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys indicated that at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic the entire team is proud of the result obtained by Mohamed. They feel happy because the patient felt that his expectations were greatly exceeded.
For this clinic located in beautiful Cartagena de Indias, this satisfied patient is a source of pride. “Colombian dentistry has been elevated with Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®,” said the doctor. They are sure that Mohamed, as has happened with other patients with this smile design, will become an ambassador for the brand. He will also be at the level of excellence of the best Colombian dentist today.

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