Información relevante para tu sonrisa

Came from the USA for a perfect smile
James Israel Johua came from the United States for a perfect smile. He is a young artist who has stood out for his avant-garde pictorial

Take advantage of the digital intraoral camera!
The digital intraoral camera, also known as a digital scanner, is a state-of-the-art device that allows you to take photos inside the oral cavity. It

The year of the veneers in Colombia
Due to the rise of veneers in Colombia, everything suggests that 2024 will be the year of these increasingly sought-after solutions. Colombian dentist Dr. Tarsys

From the Netherlands by Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood
The exclusive Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood brand continues to conquer new frontiers and its fame continues to attract patients from all over the world. That is

Nasal bioplasty with Hyaluronic Acid
Nasal bioplasty with hyaluronic acid is one of the most advanced, safe, effective and quick techniques to harmonize facial features, without surgery. It is an

At Sonrisa Perfecta Dental we refresh ourselves
At Sonrisa Perfecta Dental we start 2024 with everyone and that is why we announce that we have already refreshed our website. The new page