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Came from the USA for a perfect smile

James Israel Johua came from the United States for a perfect smile. He is a young artist who has stood out for his avant-garde pictorial works in which he has expressed his mastery of several contemporary trends. Upon arriving at the consultation at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic, it was evident that he had […]

Take advantage of the digital intraoral camera!

The digital intraoral camera, also known as a digital scanner, is a state-of-the-art device that allows you to take photos inside the oral cavity. It does this in real time and thanks to its convenient size and high resolution images, you can obtain a clear view of the mouth.This device is one of the advanced […]

The year of the veneers in Colombia

Due to the rise of veneers in Colombia, everything suggests that 2024 will be the year of these increasingly sought-after solutions. Colombian dentist Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys indicated that in these first days of the year many patients have come looking for this innovative dental procedure.It is a flow that has been growing in recent […]

From the Netherlands by Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood

The exclusive Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood brand continues to conquer new frontiers and its fame continues to attract patients from all over the world. That is the case of Mohamed, a young entrepreneur who develops his economic activity in the growing cryptocurrency sector. He came to Cartagena from the Netherlands to obtain a smile design according […]

Nasal bioplasty with Hyaluronic Acid

Nasal bioplasty with hyaluronic acid is one of the most advanced, safe, effective and quick techniques to harmonize facial features, without surgery. It is an outpatient procedure that requires only 30 minutes for its application. Depending on the patient, its effects are maintained between 18 and 24 months, with the patient only needing specific touch-ups […]

At Sonrisa Perfecta Dental we refresh ourselves

At Sonrisa Perfecta Dental we start 2024 with everyone and that is why we announce that we have already refreshed our website. The new page has a more dynamic cover where, without having to navigate much, you can leave your information to contact us.Discover the latest innovations from master doctor Tarsys Loayza Roys in her […]

Learn about the facial profiling of Sonrisa Perfecta Dental

Facial contouring is an aesthetic treatment that aims to improve facial features. Through a series of personalized procedures, areas such as the nose, cheekbones, cheeks and chin are sculpted, highlighting the qualities and minimizing the negative aspects. The type of treatment is different for each person and will depend on their needs and expectations.The objective […]

Teeth whitening with LED and UV rays

Teeth whitening with LED and UV rays are very popular procedures today due to their effectiveness, speed, safety and long-lasting effects. White teeth help people not have complexes when smiling because they project beauty, good health and rigorous grooming habits.We all have the right to show off dazzling teeth and for that reason Dr. Tarsys […]

Now you can look for Sonrisa Perfecta Dental at FindHealthClinics

Doctor Tarsys Loayza Roys announced that the prestigious Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic is located on the FindHealthClinics medical services platform. Connecting with patients through this directory is part of the growth initiatives that are developing this highly specialized dental and aesthetic center.When patients are looking for the best dentistry and aesthetic services, they can […]

Robotic dentistry at Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®

Robotic dentistry is a resource of modern technology that is available at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic, located in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. For Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, this cutting-edge resource represents the future of dentistry due to its multiple benefits for the patient. That is why it is one of the fundamental tools in […]